I&I present at the Career Day of the Federico II University of Naples

I&I present at the Career Day of the Federico II University of Naples

I&I present at the Career Day of the Federico II University of Naples


On April 5th the Career Day 2023 of the Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base will be held in Naples, the annual appointment to meet and discuss with engineers and scientists at the Federico II University.

We will be present together with national and international players, with a team of colleagues and recruiters to meet one-to-one with graduates and undergraduates in the STEM field and select the professionals of the future.

Participating in this important initiative will be an opportunity to get to know new talent in the Neapolitan city and to recruit resources for our new office at the Centro Direzionale in Naples.

A certificate of appreciation goes to the Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base that, through orientation activities, facilitates students and makes them more aware of the opportunities the world of work offers, supporting them in their transition from potential candidate to professional.

Those wishing to apply for the Career Day can register for free at the following link www.jobservice.unina.it and tick the appropriate box in their dashboard for an expression of interest.