Factory HUB

Networking to present ourselves in the market without size limits, achieving critical mass without losing own individuality

Our Factory HUB

Do networking in order to present ourselves on the market without obstacles of size limits, achieving critical mass without giving up our individuality.
This is the purpose of our Factory HUB, a network in which, in cooperation with our partners, we establish common strategic objectives, exchange knowledge while maintaining high levels of innovation and competitiveness, while still preserving the full autonomy of the parties. Concrete synergies that guarantee the market ready answers, competitiveness and high quality.
We rely on business models of collaboration and aggregation to benefit from economies of scale and realize important projects with high added value, conquer new markets and compete better on existing ones.
Cooperate to gain advantages unthinkable by acting individually, an opportunity to broaden innovative capacity and competitiveness in the market.

Why choose our Factory HUB

A single and reliable interlocutor for the market

An important added value in terms of guarantees, operability, speed and knowledge of the ICT world

HW and SW supplies to members

We provide our partners with all the hardware and software they need to be up and running immediately without any effort

Standardization of tariffs

The fees of all project stakeholders are unified and categorized, allowing greater control in cost management

Centralized management of invoices and contracts

For the customer, the advantage and security of having a dialogue with a single entity in terms of billing and contracts

Unified security directives and policies

A single protocol regarding dispositions, behaviors and organizational measures in order to counter cyber risks

Partners. Payments on time

Security for partners to receive payments on time as agreed. No waiting with respect to timelines dictated by the client